$9,999,999.99 99,999 items
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1 Year Limited Warranty

OptiTrack backs up all of its products with a 1 year limited warranty. If you need to return a product to us, please review our return policy to verify that you are eligible.

All orders are subject to the Terms of Sale

International Orders

Customers outside of the United States and Canada are encouraged to purchase through an authorized distributor in their region.

Contact Information
P.O. Number

Ship To

If your country is not listed, please contact the sales team to place your order

Bill To

If your country is not listed, please contact the sales team to place your order

Shipping Method
Choosing a faster shipping method will not expedite order fulfillment and will only take effect once your order has shipped. Scheduled delivery for regular business days only (Monday thru Friday).
Invalid shipping address. Please check above.

This shipping amount does not include any tariff or other import fee. If imposed, the delivery agent will be required to collect these fees at the time of delivery. On average, these fees can be as high as 30% of the item’s value; in some regions, they are up to 100% of the item’s value. Please contact your local customs agent if you have any questions, or check for a dealer/distributor in your region.

Payment Method


  • Hardware Key
    Hardware Key
    $99.00 1 $99.00
  • Prime 13
    Prime 13
    Filter Switcher: 850nm Band-Pass (IR) / 700nm (Visible), 56° FOV (5.5mm)
    $1,999.00 20 $39,980.00
  • Motive:Tracker
    $999.00 1 $999.00
Subtotal: TBD
Shipping: TBD
Sales Tax (Estimate): TBD If you wish to place an order with a tax exemption, please proceed through
Total: TBD

We are experiencing approximately a 3 week delay in order fulfillment. Our team is doing our best to accurately project the timelines for all orders. Orders might also be split to get some items to you sooner.

We thank you for your patience and feel free to reach out to our sales team with questions.

Thank you.

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Orders to Japan

日本からのOptiTrack製品のご購入は 株式会社スパイスへお問い合わせください。

To purchase OptiTrack products in Japan, please contact Spice Inc.

Orders to China

Leyard is the exclusive distributor of OptiTrack in China. All China prices are MSRP + 15%. Please contact

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Credit Card Denied

Please check your credit card information. If you feel this was in error, let us know.